Natural Nurture T&C's
We are an outdoor nursery, so our children are out in all weathers. Minor bumps, scrapes and lots of mud are to some extent par for the course, so please bear this in mind when choosing Natural Nurture for your child.
The children are out in all weathers and will get dirty, so warm and practical clothing suitable for every activity, including painting, mud kitchen and sandpit are an absolute must.
Children and their clothes will get messy so do not dress your child in expensive clothing that you do not want to get dirty.
In winter please ensure that your child comes in suitably warm clothing. We will provide the waterproofs and wellies, but please provide the under-layers needed to keep your child warm
Please also supply at least 2 changes of clothes including trousers, tops, underwear, socks and jumpers at all times.
Please name all clothing.
You are invoiced monthly and fees are due one month in advance. We request that fees are paid within 10 days of receipt of invoice.
Fees can be paid by Childcare vouchers or BACS
If you are using a voucher company to pay for part of your fees, you must inform us of the voucher company name, amount and any changes you make to the amount.
Full fees are still charged when a child is dropped off later than the start of a session, picked up earlier than the end of a session and if your child is sick.
Nursery fees are reviewed annually.
If you wish to withdraw your child from the nursery we require one full monthโs notice in writing. This applies to children waiting to start at the nursery and those already attending. If the correct notice is not given, the following monthโs fees will be due.
A full months notice must be given if you wish to decrease the number of sessions
We reserve the right to ask for a child or childโs parents to leave the nursery if circumstances make it necessary. This is rare and only considered when there is possibility of disruption to the nurseries activities. The return of fees is discretionary and subject to all terms and conditions.
We aim to continually improve our core curriculum and supplementary activities, therefore we reserve the right to make alterations to the daily timetable as we see fit.
The nursery is a NUT FREE ZONE
We reserve the right to refuse entry to children who are unwell (temperature, vomiting or diarrhoea) or suffering from infectious diseases. Children who are unwell cannot be cared for in a nursery environment and must remain at home until fully recovered.
If your child becomes unwell at nursery, we will ask you to come and collect them. In the event that we cannot get hold of you, we will telephone your emergency contacts.
If your child is on prescribed medication such as antibiotics, we ask that they remain at home for the first 24 hours. On your childโs return to nursery we will ask you to sign a medication form to confirm the medication needed.
Children who have suffered from vomiting or diarrhoea must exhibit no further symptoms for a full 48 hours before returning to nursery.
If all efforts have been made to contact parents, in the event of an accident or serious illness the nursery retains the right to take such actions, as we deem necessary including hospitalisation in an emergency.
๐Contact Details
Please keep us fully informed on your current address, phone numbers and email address.
Please also ensure that we have up-to-date details of emergency contacts โ this must be someone who is local to you.
Last updated
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