Staff Induction and Training
This policy was adopted on 30 August 2022 and is reviewed annually
Policy statement
At Natural Nurture Nursery we value our staff highly. We believe that personal and professional development is essential for maintaining the delivery of high-quality support and learning for our children. It underpins all aspects of positive interactions and activities planned for students.
We give every staff member the opportunity to develop their skills to their maximum and to broaden their knowledge and skills supporting people with learning disabilities. A comprehensive and targeted programme of professional development ensures practitioners are constantly improving their understanding and practice. High-quality professional supervision is provided, based on individual performance related targets, consistent and sharply focused observation and evaluations of the impact of staffโs practice.
We provide an induction for all staff and volunteers in order to fully brief them about Natural Nurture Nursery, the children, our policies and procedures, and daily practice.
Procedures - Induction
We have a written induction plan for all new staff, which includes the following:
Introductions to all staff and volunteers.
Familiarisation with the premises, health and safety and fire procedures.
Ensuring our policies and procedures have been read and are carried out.
Introduction to students and where appropriate their families and carers.
Familiarisation with confidential information where applicable in relation to students.
Details of the tasks and daily routines to be completed.
Additional training on our Safeguarding Guarding policy if staff are new and havenโt attended a recent Safeguarding Training.
The remaining induction period lasts two weeks. The Owner or Manager inducts new staff and volunteers.
During the induction period, the individual must demonstrate understanding of and compliance with policies, procedures, tasks and routines. Successful completion of the induction forms part of the probationary period.
Procedures - Staff Development and Training
Personal and professional development of staff is essential to maintaining high quality support for the children.
At Natural Nurture Nursery we ensure that at least 50% of staff are qualified to Level 3 or equivalent in Early Years Education, and aim towards 100%. Other staff working at Natural Nurture Nursery will either be qualified to Level 2 or undertaking training.
We strongly promote constant professional development and all staff have individual training records and continued professional development plans to enhance their skills and expertise.
External training and support is sought according to the needs of the children and requirements to renew/update staff qualifications.
To facilitate the development of staff we:
Offer encouragement and support to achieve a high level of morale and motivation.
Promote teamwork through positive and open communication.
Model best practice.
Provide opportunities for delegation, based on skills and expertise, to offer recognition and challenge.
Encourage staff to contribute ideas for change within Natural Nurture Nursery and hold regular staff meetings and team meetings to develop these ideas.
Hold regular meetings to discuss strategy, policy and development planning.
Encourage staff to further their experience and knowledge by attending relevant external training courses.
Encourage staff to pass on their knowledge to those who are less experienced and disseminate knowledge from external training.
Provide regular in-house training relevant to the needs of Natural Nurture Nursery.
Carry out monthly or every 6 weeks supervision meetings with all staff. These provide opportunities for staff to discuss any issues particularly concerning student development or well-being, identify solutions to address issues as they arise and receive coaching to improve their personal effectiveness.
Carry out staff appraisals every year where objectives and action plans for staff are set out and training is identified according to individual needs.
Develop a continued professional development plan taking account of qualifications, the needs of the setting and of individual staff.
Provide inductions to welcome all new staff
Offer ongoing support and guidance
Other useful Learning Alliance publications
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