Quality Assurance Policy

This policy was adopted on 30 August 2022 and is reviewed annually

At Natural Nurture we are passionate about providing high quality care and education for all children. Natural Nurture Nursery provides care and education well beyond the norm to ensure that children in our care benefit from the highest standards. All staff are committed to creating stimulating outdoor environments in which your child can play, discover and develop all of the skills needed to become a confident, positive and well-rounded individual.

Why? Because your child deserves to be given the best possible start in life to enable them to reach their full potential.

Our staff have an excellent understanding of how children play and learn which is apparent in their high quality teaching and planning.

Children are at the heart of all that happens in this nurturing nursery. The rich enabling environment motivates them to initiate their own learning and develop highly positive skills in preparation for school.

Outstanding systems of self-evaluation and staff supervision contribute significantly to the management team’s pursuit of excellence.

Quality Assurance

As part of our quality practice we ensure children receive the highest quality care and education by:

  • Having high expectations for all children so they can achieve the best outcomes

  • Building close attachments with children so they feel safe, secure, happy and can thrive

  • Developing close relationships with families so together we can best support the child’s individual learning and development

  • Implementing all of the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

  • Ensuring that the EYFS learning and development requirements are embedded including providing a curriculum that is underpinned by the EYFS principles, educational programmes and seven areas of learning and development

  • Reflecting on all areas of practice and striving towards the Ofsted grade descriptors for Outstanding quality indicators

  • Ensuring all the EYFS assessment requirements are met including the planning, observation, assessment and next steps and that they are linked to each individual child’s needs and interests and are evaluated for effectiveness

  • Having a highly qualified, skilled staff team that understand what is meant by high quality practice and how to deliver this Deploying staff appropriately to meet the individual needs of all children

  • Creating and achieving the nurseries quality vision, mission and outcomes

  • Consistently delivering high quality practice and teaching that makes a difference to children’s daily experiences

  • Ensuring a solid understanding of the importance of pedagogy and child development amongst all practitioners

  • Ensuring that the environment, resources and provision is of high quality; monitoring resources and equipment ensuring these are risk assessed, and fit for purpose

  • Providing children with wonderful experiences and opportunities giving them the best start in life

  • Valuing continuous professional development for all staff and accessing a variety of training and development to support the needs of the children in the nursery

  • Appropriately assessing children’s learning and development and recognising where children may need support and acting on this quickly

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of training and link to the outcomes for children

  • Ensuring all staff are confident and supported in their roles and have the training and skills they need to be able to perform their roles

  • Conducting regular supervision meetings with all team members to ensure all staff are supported to be the best they can be

  • Using peer on peer observations to share, discuss and improve practice across the setting

  • Monitoring all practice and feedback ideas for improvement

  • Undertaking a quality improvement programme to ensure quality is embedded throughout the nursery

  • Engaging with families and carers and supporting the home learning environment

  • Operating a robust and embedded quality improvement and evaluation process across the whole setting that includes all parties such as practitioners, children, parents and external partners.

  • We maintain an “Action Plan’ which is consistently added to and reviewed by staff and utilised to maintain and enhance our provision of care and education for children attending Natural Nurture Nursery

  • An annual Current Parent Survey (Quality review) is undertaken and questions are sent out to parents/guardians, covering all aspects of our provision. The information gathered is then used to compile an annual report and any areas of improvements or suggestions are added to the ‘Action Plan’

  • An annual Former Parent Survey is undertaken covering all aspects on the “school readiness” of their child. The information gathered is then used to compile an annual report and any areas of improvements or suggestions are added to the ‘Action Plan’

  • We have a parent comment box, where any suggestions or comments made throughout the year are taken on board and added to the Action Plan

The above ensures that Natural Nurture Nursery continues to uphold its excellent reputation in relation to being a forward thinking, visionary early years childcare setting.

Last updated