Sustainability Policy
This policy was adopted on 30 August 2022 and is reviewed annually
Our environmental sustainability policy outlines our intention to encourage and increase awareness of environmental responsibilities and implement practices that contribute to a sustainable future. Children are supported to become environmentally responsible and show respect for the environment. Environmentally sustainable practices are becoming embedded into the operations of Natural Nurture and involve educators, children and families in order to be successful.
Natural Nurture Nursery will ensure the environment is safe, clean and well-maintained. Childrenโs awareness of the environment will be promoted through daily practices, resources and interactions. Sustainable practices will be encouraged within the nursery. Staff, children and families will be encouraged to become advocates for a sustainable future.
We promote a holistic, open-ended curriculum which explores ideas and practices for environmental sustainability and helps children understand the interdependence between people and the environment by:
helping children to explore nature through art and play
supporting children to experience the natural environment through natural materials like wood, stone, sand and recycled materials
supporting the environment by learning how to grow and nurture plants in the nursery garden and discovering all about the food cycle by growing, harvesting, and cooking food for our nursery menu
helping children to learn about water conservation, energy efficiency and waste reduction through play-based activities and adult interactions
going on nature walks and learning about plants they see on the farm
developing a recycling area and encouraging children to share recycling ethos into the home environment.
As a nursery we will embed sustainability into all aspects of the operations including:
recycling materials for art and creative activities and encouraging parents/carers to bring in their recycling materials for the same use
ensuring parents/carers recycle childrenโs take-home recycled material models, if they do not keep them
considering our carbon footprint when purchasing materials
shopping local where possible
turning off equipment and lights when not in use
using energy saving light bulbs
not leaving any equipment on standby
hanging washing out to dry/using clothes horses rather than tumble dryers where possible
composting food waste
incorporating water-wise strategies such as ensuring taps are turned off and leaks fixed
Natural Nurture already has the following in place;
Is off grid and uses wind turbines and solar panels for electricity
Where possible uses produce grown on the farm for lunches and snack reducing our carbon footprint
Has compostable toilets
Ongoing Sustainability Practices in place are;
We encourage staff, families and children to engage in innovative practices and appreciate the wonder of the natural world while protecting the planet for future generations.
Staff make sustainable practices a part of the daily routine. These include but are not limited to: Recycling, Gardening, Energy conservation, Water conservation, Sustainable equipment purchases
Recycling is part of everyday practice at Natural Nurture
Recycling containers will be provided
Staff role model sustainable practices
Staff discuss sustainable practices with the children as part of the curriculum
We share ideas between staff, children and families about sustainable ideas, implementation and resources. This is done through emails, FAMLY newsfeeds and conversations
Staff role model energy and water conservation practices by
i) Turning off lights when an area is not in use. ii) Emptying water play containers onto garden areas, iii) Aiming to purchase equipment that is eco-friendly where possible. iv) Reducing the amount of plastic and disposable equipment purchased v) Select materials that are made of natural materials and fibres
The concepts of โreduce, re-use and recycleโ will become part of everyday practice for both children and staff to build lifelong attitudes towards sustainable practices
Children learn how to be kind to nature by helping to look after the farm animals and picking up any litter that is on the farm and putting into the recycling bins.
Working together with all our parents/carers and partners will help our environment to be more sustainable and make it a better place for our future generations to grow up in.
Last updated