Environmental Policy
This policy was adopted on 30 August 2022 and is reviewed annually
Policy Statement
Natural Nurture Nursery recognises that its activities have an impact on the environment in terms of the use of raw materials, emissions to air and water, and waste generation, and seek to minimise this as far as is reasonably practicable.
Natural Nurture Nursery is committed to:
continual improvement in its environmental performance
preventing pollution
compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice relevant to the industry sector in which it operates.
As a nursery we will embed sustainability into all aspects of the operations including:
make efficient use of natural resources by conserving energy and water, minimising waste, and recycling where possible
meet its duty of care requirements in relation to waste by ensuring the safe keeping, transportation and subsequent recovery or disposal of waste
use recycled construction materials whenever these can be commercially justified.
recycling materials for art and creative activities and encouraging parents to bring in their recycling materials for the same use
considering our carbon footprint when purchasing materials
shopping local where possible
turning off equipment and lights when not in use
using energy saving light bulbs
not leaving any equipment on standby
using energy saving wash cycles on the washing machine
hanging washing out to dry/using clothes horses rather than tumble dryers where possible
composting food waste
incorporating water-wise strategies such as ensuring taps are turned off and leaks fixed
using rain water butts for outdoor water play
recycling water from the water play to water plants outside
using food that we have grown in nursery meals.
Staff at the setting will be made aware of this policy and the Operations Manager will make sure that all staff are given appropriate training (if needed) to raise awareness of environmental issues.
Teaching Children about their Environment
We encourage children to learn about sustainable practices and foster, respect and care for the living and non-living environment.
Children are able to develop positive attitudes and values about sustainable practices by exploring solutions to environmental issues, learning about the world around them and how to protect it and watching adultโs role model sustainable practices.
We promote a holistic, open ended curriculum which explores ideas and practices for environmental sustainability and helps children understand the interdependence between people and the environment by:
helping children to explore nature through art and play
supporting children to experience the natural environment through natural materials like wood, stone, sand and recycled materials
supporting the environment by learning how to grow and nurture plants in the nursery garden and discovering all about the food cycle by growing, harvesting, and cooking food
helping children to learn about water conservation, energy efficiency and waste reduction through play based activities and adult interactions
going on nature walks and learning about plants they see around the farm
have a litter picking activity at nursery at least once a week
Working together with all our parents and partners will help our environment to be more sustainable and make it a better place for our future generations to grow up in.
Natural Nurture Nursery will take in to account any changes within legislation and within the setting itself and make changes to this policy accordingly when needed.
Last updated
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