Information Access & Storage inc Document Retention
This policy was adopted on 30 August 2022 and is reviewed annually and amended according to any change in law/legislation
At Natural Nurture we have an open access policy in relation to accessing information about the nursery and parents’ own children. This policy is subject to the laws relating to data protection and document retention.
Parents are welcome to view the policies and procedures of the nursery, which govern the way in which the nursery operates. These may be viewed at any time when the nursery is open, simply by asking the nursery manager or by accessing our Online Parent Handbook. The nursery manager or any other relevant staff member will also explain any policies and procedures to parents or use any other methods to make sure that parents understand these.
Parents are also welcome to see and contribute to all the records that are kept on their child. However, we must adhere to data protection laws and, where relevant, any guidance from the relevant agencies for child protection.
As we hold personal information about staff and families, we are registered under data protection law with the Information Commissioner’s Office. A copy of the certificate can be viewed at in the office or here. All parent, child and staff information is stored securely according to the requirements of data protection registration, including details, permissions, certificates and photographic images. We will ensure that staff understand the need to protect the privacy of the children in their care as well as the legal requirements that exist to ensure that information relating to the child is handled in a way that ensures confidentiality.
The nursery’s records and documentation that are required to be kept and stored by current legislation are performed in accordance with minimum legal archiving requirements. We currently archive these records for at least 24 years to ensure we are covered for any child protection concerns.
Nursery records and documentation that are not required to be kept are deleted or destroyed in line with the current data protection laws and our Privacy Notice.
If Parents have a specific deletion or retention request regarding any data that we hold, please raise a query in writing and we will respond formally to your request.
Document Retention
This policy is subject to the laws relating to data protection and document retention.
We are required under legislation to keep certain records about children, parents and also staff members. Due to this legislation we are required to keep this information for a set amount of time.
We keep records for the purpose of maintaining our business. These include:
Records pertaining to our registration.
Financial records pertaining to income and expenditure
Risk assessments
Employment records of staff including their name, home address and telephone number.
Name, address and telephone number of anyone else who is regularly in unsupervised contact with the children.
Our records are regarded as confidential on the basis of sensitivity of information, such as with regard to employment records. These confidential records are maintained with regard to the framework of the Data Protection Act (1998) and the Human Rights Act (1998).
This policy and procedure is taken in conjunction with the Confidentiality Policy.
All records are the responsibility of the Nursery Manager and Office Manager, who ensure they are kept securely.
All records are kept in an orderly way in files and filing is kept up-to-date.
Financial records are kept up-to-date for audit purposes
Health and safety records are maintained; these include risk assessments, details of checks or inspections and guidance etc.
Our Ofsted registration certificate is displayed.
Our Public Liability insurance certificate is displayed
All our employment and staff records are kept securely and confidentially.
We notify Ofsted of any change:
In the address of our premises;
To the premises which may affect the space available to children and the quality of childcare available to them;
Our name and address and contact information
To the person managing the setting (Nursery Manager)
Any significant event which is likely to affect our suitability to look after children; or
Any other event as detailed in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Children’s Records
We keep two kinds of records on children attending our setting:
1) Developmental Records
These include observations of children in the nursery, photographs, video clips and summary developmental records
These are kept online using FAMLY and can be accessed and contributed to by staff and the child’s parents.
2) Personal Records
These include registration and admission forms, signed consent forms, and correspondence concerning the child or family, reports or minutes from meetings concerning the child from other agencies, an ongoing record of relevant contact with parents, and observations by staff on any confidential matter involving the child, such as developmental concerns or child protection matters.
Child’s development, health and well-being – including a summary only of the child’s EYFS profile report
Early Support – including any additional focused intervention provided by our setting (e.g. support for behaviour, language or development that needs an Individual Plan) and records of any meetings held
Welfare and child protection concerns – including records of all welfare and protection concerns, and our resulting action, meetings and telephone conversations about the child, an Education, Health and Care Plan and any information regarding a Looked After Child.
Correspondence and Reports – including a copy of the child’s 2 Year Old Progress Check (as applicable), all letters and emails to and from other agencies and any confidential reports from other agencies
These confidential records are stored in a lockable file or cabinet, which is always locked when not in use and which is secure in the office. Electronic copies of these files are only accessible by the Nursery Manager, Office Manager and Owner of the Nursery and require a password to view.
We ensure that access to children’s files is restricted to those authorised to see them and make entries in them, this being the Nursery Manager, Deputy Managers, Designated Safeguarding Children Officer, SENCO, the child’s key person, or other staff as authorised by the Nursery Manager
We may be required to hand children’s personal files to Ofsted as part of an inspection or investigation process; or to local authority staff conducting a S11 audit, as long as authorisation is seen. We ensure that children’s personal files are not handed over to anyone else to look at
Parents have access, in accordance with our Confidentiality Policy, to the files and records of their own children, but do not have access to information about any other child
Our staff will not discuss personal information given by parents with other members of staff, except where it affects planning for the child's needs
We retain children’s records until after the next Ofsted inspection
3) Other Records
We keep a daily record of the names of the children we are caring for, their hours of attendance and the names of their key person.
Issues to do with the employment of staff, whether paid or unpaid, remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions.
Students are advised of our Confidentiality Policy and are required to respect it.
Retention Period of Records
We will adhere to the following legal requirements on retention periods for records and as per the advice given by the Pre-School Learning Alliance. Below is a brief overview of the information we keep and for how long. This policy should be used in conjunction with the above Access and Storage of Information policy, the Data Protection and Confidentiality policy and the Privacy Notice. In addition, we will endeavour to follow the recommended guidelines where possible and practical
Children’s records
Until child reaches age of 21 - or until the child reaches the age of 25 for child protection records, SEND records and health care plans..
Records relating to individual children e.g. care plans, speech and language referral forms
Until the child reaches the age of 25
Accidents and pre-existing injuries
If relevant to child protection we will keep these until the child reaches 25 years old.
Type of accidents include fractures, broken limbs, serious head injuries or where the child is hospitalised.
Safeguarding Records and Cause for Concern forms
We will keep until the child has reached 25 years old.
Records of any reportable death, injury, disease or dangerous occurrence (for children)
As these incidents could result in potential negligence claims, or evolve into a more serious health condition, we keep records until the child reaches the age of 21 years and 3 months.
Records of any reportable death, injury, disease or dangerous occurrence (for staff) –
3 years
Observation, planning and assessment records of children
We keep our planning filed since the last inspection date so there is a paperwork trail if the inspector needs to see it.
Information and assessments about individual children is either given to parents when the child leaves or to the next setting/school that the child moves to (with parents’ permission).
Personnel files and training records (including disciplinary records and working time records)
7 years
Visitors/signing in book
Up to 24 years as part of the child protection trail.
Last updated
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