No Smoking/Vaping, Alcohol and Drugs Policy
This policy was adopted on 30 August 2022 and is reviewed annually
No Smoking / Vaping Policy statement
At Natural Nurture we are committed to promoting childrenโs health and well-being. This is of the upmost importance for the nursery.
Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes has proved to be a health risk and therefore in accordance with legislation, the nursery operates a strict no smoking/vaping policy within its buildings and grounds. It is illegal to smoke in enclosed places.
All persons must abstain from smoking/vaping while on the premises. This applies to staff, students, parents, carers, contractors and any other visitors to the premises.
All staff, parents and volunteers are made aware of our no-smoking policy.
We display no-smoking signs.
The no-smoking policy is stated in our information materials for parents.
Staff who smoke, do not do so during working hours. Unless on a break, out of sight of children, and off the premises.
Staff who smoke during their break make every effort to reduce the effect of the odour and lingering effects of passive smoking for children and colleagues.
We respect that smoking/vaping is a personal choice, although as an organisation we support healthy lifestyles. We follow Public Health England advice and aim to help staff and parents to stop smoking/vaping by providing details of the NHS quit smoking helpline -
Alcohol and Substance Misuse Policy
At Natural Nurture we are committed to taking all necessary steps to keep children safe and well. This includes making sure that children are not exposed to adults who may be under the influence of alcohol or other substances that may affect their ability to care for them.
This policy is in line with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. This should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, Staff disciplinary Policy and Suitability of Staff Policy.
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, companies have a legal requirement to provide a safe working environment for all of their employees.
Anyone who arrives at the nursery clearly under the influence of alcohol will be asked to leave. If they are a member of staff, the nursery will investigate the matter and will initiate the disciplinary process as a result of which action may be taken, including dismissal. Staff can still be under the influence of alcohol the day after the night before and staff should be aware of this, ensuring this is not the case when starting work.
If they are a parent the nursery manager/designated safeguarding officer will judge if the parent is suitable to care for the child. This may involve calling the second contact on the childโs registration form to collect them. If a child is thought to be at risk the nursery will follow the safeguarding children/child protection procedure. If anyone arrives at the nursery in a car under the influence of alcohol the police will be contacted.
Substance Misuse
Anyone who arrives at the nursery under the influence of illegal drugs, or any other substance including medication, that affects their ability to care for children, will be asked to leave the premises immediately.
If they are a member of staff, an investigation will follow which may lead to consideration of disciplinary action, as a result of which dismissal could follow.
If they are a parent the nursery manager/designated safeguarding lead will judge if the parent is suitable to care for the child. This may involve calling the second contact on the childโs registration form to collect them. If a child is thought to be at risk the nursery will follow the safeguarding children/child protection procedure.
The nursery manager will contact the police if anyone (including staff, students, volunteers, contractors and visitors) is suspected of being in possession of illegal drugs or if they are driving or may drive when under the influence of illegal drugs. If they are a member of staff serious disciplinary procedures will be followed.
If a member of staff is taking medication that may affect their ability to care for children, they must seek medical advice and inform the nursery manager as soon as possible to arrange for a risk assessment to take place. This will ensure that staff members only work directly with children if medical advice confirms that the medication is unlikely to impair that staff memberโs ability to look after the children properly.
Any medication on the premises is stored securely, and out of reach of children, at all times.
If there are concerns around a member of staff who may have a drug or alcohol problem, but there is no evidence
If the nursery suspects there may be an issue with drugs or alcohol (either from observations, including poor performance, changes in behaviour and/or sickness; and/or staff feedback but there is no evidence that it is happening during working hours or that they are arriving at work under the influence of drugs or alcohol a meeting will be held with the member of staff and manager to investigate the health concerns.
Support and referral to appropriate services may be offered to the staff member, if this is considered appropriate.
Confidentiality will be maintained at all times.
The staff member will be reminded of the disciplinary procedures that will apply if they attend work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Safeguarding/child protection
If a parent or carer is clearly over the alcohol limit, or under the influence of illegal drugs and it is believed the child is at risk, we will follow our safeguarding/child protection procedures, contact the local authority childrenโs social care team and the police.
Staff will do their utmost to prevent a child from travelling in a vehicle driven by them and if necessary the police will be called.
Where an illegal act is suspected to have taken place, the police will be called.
Your child's safety is our main concern and as such this will determine the course of action taken.
Last updated
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