Emergency Evacuation Procedure
This policy was adopted on 30 August 2022 and is reviewed annually.
Fire Evacuation
In the event of a fire, the following procedure will be followed:
Any staff that finds a fire;
Sound the alarm - radio to the office that there is a fire and where it is. (Office staff to call 999 immediately)
Then radio call "FIRE - FIRE - FIRE - THIS IS NOT A DRILL..
Give the location of where the fire is and ask each teacher to confirm they have acknowledged the radio call.
Each teacher must state:
Your name
Your location
Confirm you are heading to the Assembly point
Office staff will take their mobile phone, attendance sheet and contact details of parents and meet the nursery team at the Assembly point with the register. Updates if required to the Fire brigade will be made at this point using the mobile phone.
If in a building all staff and children exit buildings using the designated fire exits.
Assemble at the fire assembly point located on the grass opposite the pond.
At the fire assembly point, take a register to account for all the children and staff. It is the responsibility of the Manager (or deputising Manager) to ensure all staff and students are accounted for during and after an evacuation.
Await the Fire Brigade and when deemed safe to do so, relocate the students to a more suitable place.
Make arrangements for students to return home if appropriate.
Listen to instructions given by the fire brigade and do not return to the site of the fire until told it is safe to do so. No children will be allowed back to the site until a thorough risk assessment has been carried out.
Record the fire in the incident book and inform the insurance company.
Do NOT put any used Fire Hydrants back into use they must be replaced immediately. Fire blankets if used must be thrown away and replaced immediately.
It is the farm Ownerโs responsibility to ensure the safe evacuation of farm workers and farm animals, where necessary.
Fire Hydrant Use
IF trained, and ONLY if trained in using Fire Hydrants and it is SAFE to do so, attempt to put out the fire. You must let other staff members know your location and what you are attempting to do before you attempt to put out the fire. If the Fire Hydrant doesnโt effectively put out the fire, evacuate where you are immediately and muster at the Assembly point.
If details of the fire need clarifying the office staff will call the fire brigade back to give them an update when they have that information.
If it is a false alarm we must alert the Fire Brigade immediately.
If the fire is put out the Fire Brigade will still attend the scene to verify safety.
Fire Wardens:
Tracey Poulton
Francis Brown
Last updated
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